Sunday, April 14, 2013

Scg Classic 4/13/2013 Top 75 !!!

Yesterday I went to the Star City Classic in Hagerstown, Md. 132 Players showed up. 82 finished the day. I placed 72nd after final standings.

I played against Brad Nelson first round and I got spooked if you will. He was playing Aristocrats deck I was playing a mono green list which will be posted below. He had a good match up and stomped me in 2 games. I learned that Mono colored decks are not good against protection green. (He won the event by the way Congrats to Brad)

Round 2 I received a warning for  "Marked cards" due to some of my sleeves which I bought at the tourney being upside down during my random deck check which happened during the middle of the round. I won game one and lost the next 2 due to the warning and deck check shacking my psyche. My opponent was playing American flash. I learned that I need to keep track of my sleeves and check them after every cut.

Round 3 I played against a Bant deck I learned that Predator Ooze / Ulvenwald Tracker combo is very good against Thragtusk. And I lost the round to a hard cast  Angel of Serenity. I did get the round to game 3 and it was very close.

Round 4 I played against a Jund midrange deck. I won the match which is my first win of the day. This round went to 3 games. I kept a triple Predator Ooze hand during game 2 but had two land and it was greedy. I learned that keeping 2 cards in hand (Rancor and Wolfir Siverheart with an ooze in play) Versus an active 1 counter Liliana of the Veil was smart. He made me discard a card I discarded the Rancor, then on my turn played the Wolfir Silverheart for the win (Paired with the Ooze) I won the match in 3.

Round 5 I played against RDW. I lost in 2. I learned that Ranger's Guile is good against Direct Damage. And I might want to consider Thragtusk in the Sideboard.

Round 6 I played against American Flash. I learned that Ooze is annoying to players who only have one way to play around it. I won in 2. I also note that Azorius Charm to Ooze and Thought Scour equal Ooze in my Graveyard. 

Round 7 I played Gruul Aggro and won in 3 games. He had nothing to deal with 2 Oozes game 2 and 3 in Game 3. 
Round 8 I payed against some type of Jund and got stomped in 2. After that match I have decided to find out how much Thragtusk were ($15.00 SCG price at the event) I was broke. 

I also pulled out my Fnm Troll deck to play against a friend and Got stomped in the one game we payed. I could not find my Trostani, Selesnya's Voice.
That's how my tourney went. I want to encourage any new players to take notes and do not for the life of you get star struck like I did round 1.

Check out the deck list I registered today at My Deckbox .

I also got my 3D Niv Mizzet done today in 3D Thanks to my friends Lindsay Burley and Anthony Wilson. (Pictures to come soon.) this card was 2 years in the making I pitched the idea  to her to do one and I only had one copy I went and bought the 3 needed and got it made. I am happy to have it and hope to build a deck to use it in soon.